Wednesday, December 05, 2007

From the Idea Consultants archives (1997-2000)

Whilst perusing the Wayback Machine, I ran across this early Projects Page from the original Idea Consultants dot com website:

Among the projects were these gems: - Arcturus was a friend and visionary in Hawaii whom I included just to help drive traffic his way.
These were the dotcoms I was in possession of, and had planned to develop, sell, or just hang on to:
Birdfinger - A rough approxomation to today's "The Onion", Birdfinger was certainly roadkill from 9/11 and BushWorld. In retrospect, it was quite prescient.
GeniusSearch - At Genius Search, we awarded the Genius prize to folks we had deserving. It is interesting to note that Flemming Funch was a winner in the year 1999. (He has been an active visionary since day one of the web.
CharlotteInternet - Sold this company to Scott Huffman of Webkorner, and would like to invite anyone and everyone to share the love.
JawwGraphics - The digital creations of Genius Search winner, Woodrow Williams.
EarMusic - Music Website.
TradeStreetJournal - This is currently a blog. DowJones challenged me on the domain name.
Brainchild Press - Educational materials for gifted children.
WorldsSexiest - A takefoff on America's Funniest. Was offered 750k, but stupidly turned it down. It wasn't even developed. Just the name. My luck.
IdeaManagement - Invented this in the mid-90s.
SeersCatalog - New Age Catalog.
ShadeWear - "Because the sun will burn you"
GrowLife - "Tobacco Farm Conversions: Changing Fields"
TheHomeLoaner - Woodrow Williams owned this one.
MajorAdvances - Keeping abreast of what's new and good.
SexyJets - Hot Jets for the Jet Set.
FloodMoney - A Charity geared toward helping the growing number of folks who wind up being inundated.
UpperClassifieds - Classified ads for the well-heeled
HighTextiles - "High Tech Styles" - My attempt to throw a lifeline to the Textile industry.
WritersCafe - A gathering for writers.
HDcableTV - High Definition Cable tv
OutreLimits - Idea from a friend.
FutureGoods - State-of-the-arts in good stuff.
TheFirstTrillionaire - An ongoing story.
People'sEmpire - Idea from a friend
VirtualBohemia - This was the name of my very first website, back in '94 or '95.
PeaceGoods - Self-explanatory
UnitedStatesOfEarth - Wound up being picked up by Comedy Channel. I have a knack for having ideas stolen. I'm generous.
eBiz Incubator - Business Incubator for ebiz
GreenWitchVillage - A play on Greenwich Village, but also a virtual community.
TofuChicken - My local Home Economist kade such good tofu chiecken, I bought the name. When I told them...they quit making it. I think they misunderstood.
4-MD - One of Woodrow's great purchases
LoanLow - Another
PeaceFutures - A complex idea on making Peace profitable.
Sharevenue - Revenue-sharing site.

These are the kinds of things you do when not fighting a war. Some of the domains are now elsewhere, and some are still available. Have at it.

OK. Back from Memory Lane...